Code of Conduct

This policy attempts to provide a clear outline of expected behavior and what is and what is not considered good practices by Tri State Cycling Club.

The Tri State Cycling Club is all about riding together, having fun, and connecting with others who share our passion for cycling.

The club is committed to upholding an organization that is free from bias, prejudice and harassment – whether verbal, physical or visual.

As a TSCC participant, I promise to practice good behavior and conduct myself in a respectable manner at all rides and events where I am representing TSCC at any time that I am at an event as a member, guest, ride leader, volunteer, board member, donor, or other participant.

We assume these commitments to our Code of Conduct:

  1. I will conduct myself in a respectful manner, exhibit good conduct, and be a positive role model.
  2. I will treat people with dignity, respect, and compassion to foster a trusting environment free of harassment, intimidation, and discrimination.
  3. I will communicate concerns that arise with TSCC participants, if appropriate, as they arise in order to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all.
  4. I will promote inclusion by encouraging all, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
  5. I will not harass, bully, threaten, alienate, discriminate, or make disparaging remarks to/against any person, and I will not harass or alienate others through my attire, verbal comments, or unwelcome attention.
  6. I will refrain from non-consensual physical contact, sexual advances, obscene language or gestures, and other unwanted behavior.
  7. I will display respect and courtesy for club volunteers, program participants, and property and I will follow the rules of the road and vehicle codes.
  8. I will abide by all relevant traffic regulations whether on individual or group rides, respect rules of the road, and maintain safe riding habits.
  9. I will display respect for cyclists on all types of bicycles, including e-bikes, as well as first-time riders, physically challenged riders, and riders who are not perceived to be wearing or riding high-end gear.
  10. I will not consume alcohol beyond the legal limits, or other substances at TSCC events and will not report to or ride in these events while inebriated or impaired under the influence of illegal, prescription or recreational drugs.

TSCC members must be conscious of their role as ambassadors to the non-cycling and cycling communities. The TSCC logo, such as on apparel, is an advertising vehicle for the club. Failure to abide by bicycling traffic laws, when observed by the public, can be extremely detrimental to the club’s image.

Ride participants under the age of sixteen may participate on club rides only if accompanied throughout the event by a parent or responsible adult. Membership under 18 is only given with the written consent of a parent or responsible adult guardian, submitted on our written membership form waver.

TSCC Membership is a privilege. Membership may be revoked, suspended, or denied if a member is in material violation of this Code of Conduct.

Reporting a Violation

Members who experience or witness inappropriate or unacceptable activity as outlined above are encouraged to promptly report the issue by contacting a TSCC Board Member. To facilitate a prompt investigation, we urge that such reports be in writing with description of the incident(s), names or the individuals involved, names of witnesses; and relevant dates, times, and locations. You may send an email to Your report will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. A Board Member will contact you for follow up.