Become a Sponsor
Uniform Sponsorship: For 2024, TSCC members will be wearing custom team clothing imprinted with sponsor logos.
Club members ride 5/6 days a week for 8 months of the year, most of these in team uniform. Some club members ride year-round both outside and indoor training sessions. These team uniforms have multiple year lifespans. Club members like to collect them and have multiple versions. Our club is a unique and diverse group, many members from the spanish-speaking communities. Members live throughout Rhode Island, from towns including but not limited to: Providence, Lincoln, Smithfield, Cranston, Providence, Barrington and Warren.
Conservatively, uniform sponsors receive thousands of potential impressions per year within the cycling community, and many “spillover” impressions within the general community. Our club members are rolling billboards for your business.
Platinum Sponsor
- Most prominent display of logo on club jersey
- Eight (8) family TSCC memberships for the year
- Marketing opportunities within our TSCC sponsored events, specialized to your business
- Year-round social media posts tagging your business for TSCC rides and sponsored events
- Logo on club website
All sponsorships include:
- Access to club sponsored events
- Access to advertise/post on our membership FB page
TSCC sponsored events include a minimum of two weekly rides and specialty events that include, but are not limited to Ian’s Memorial Century, Food Drive Ride, Coat Drive Ride, Holiday Gift Ride.
Become A Platinum Sponsor Now!
Gold Sponsor
- More prominent display of logo on club jersey
- Six (6) family TSCC memberships for the year
- Marketing opportunities within our TSCC sponsored events, specialized to your business
- Seasonal social media posts tagging your business for TSCC sponsored events
- Logo on club website
All sponsorships include:
- Access to club sponsored events
- Access to advertise/post on our membership FB page
TSCC sponsored events include a minimum of two weekly rides and specialty events that include, but are not limited to Ian’s Memorial Century, Food Drive Ride, Coat Drive Ride, Holiday Gift Ride.
Become A Gold Sponsor Now!
Silver Sponsor
- Prominent display of logo on club jersey
- Four (4) family TSCC memberships for the year
- Logo on club website
All sponsorships include:
- Access to club sponsored events
- Access to advertise/post on our membership FB page
TSCC sponsored events include a minimum of two weekly rides and specialty events that include, but are not limited to Ian’s Memorial Century, Food Drive Ride, Coat Drive Ride, Holiday Gift Ride.
Become A Silver Sponsor Now!
Bronze Sponsor
- Logo on club website
- Two (2) family TSCC memberships for the year
All sponsorships include:
- Access to club sponsored events
- Access to advertise/post on our membership FB page
TSCC sponsored events include a minimum of two weekly rides and specialty events that include, but are not limited to Ian’s Memorial Century, Food Drive Ride, Coat Drive Ride, Holiday Gift Ride.
Become A Bronze Sponsor Now!